Artwork by artist Kristjana S Williams donated to Project 0 in aid of stopping our oceans filling with plastic

Leading ocean environmental organisations, Project 0 and Sky Ocean Rescue, have come together on Wold Oceans Day June 2018 and launced the Pass On Plastic Experience, London’s first ever immersive ocean themed pop up in the heart of London’s Carnaby, that aims to educate and inspire people to make everyday changes to help stop our oceans from drowning in plastic.

Artwork by artist Kristjana S Williams donated to Project 0 in aid of stopping our oceans filling with plastic

Artwork by artist Kristjana S Williams donated to Project 0 in aid of stopping our oceans filling with plastic

Launch comes as Sky Ocean Rescue research reveals Londoners are falling behind rest of UK in fight against plastic pollution. Produced by Project 0 and supported by Sky Ocean Rescue, the Pass On Plastic Experience aims to inspire Londoners to eliminate single use plastics and show how everyone can make small everyday changes. From showcasing the impact of some of the most common single use plastic items, including straws, cutlery, food containers and plastic bags, to encouraging simple behaviour changes like using refillable water bottles.

Artwork by artist Kristjana S Williams donated to Project 0 in aid of stopping our oceans filling with plastic

Kristjana S Williams is a supporter of the cause and donated a 3D Original wall art which was displayed at the Pop Up. As well as designing a window display for the gallery space she also designed an interactive piece where people can stick their heads through a hole and become one of the oceans sea creatures.